Klearfold® RPET100
For consumer product marketers and retailers seeking the marketing and merchandizing benefits of Klearfold® plastic folding cartons, while satisfying aggressive sustainable packaging goals, we offer Klearfold® RPET100 premium-quality plastic cartons, made with 100% postconsumer recycled (PCR) content.
Before we can make RPET100 cartons… we first manufacture the RPET100 substrate on our own custom plastic extruders. We also meticulously and locally source our own PCR PET waste materials (water and soda bottle flake), which have completed their original purpose and have been diverted from the landfill for re-use. This exclusive combination enables us to produce high-quality box-grade RPET with 100% PCR, with no meaningful loss in quality or performance.
No fossil fuel-derived raw materials are used to manufacture the RPET100 substrate, it consumes far less energy to make than virgin PET, and our increased consumption of PCR waste helps to drive the growing PET recycling infrastructure.
Our RPET100 cartons have been certified as being made from 100% PCR PET, by SCS Global Services, a leader in third-party sustainability verification, certification, auditing, testing, and standards development.